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Organic, biodynamic oils, flower and crystal essences.
Homeopathic Etheric Wala oils. 
Sourced 100% cruelty free, animal and earth conscious. 


Specific oils are used on different areas of the body depending on what the individual client is needing at that time. 

There is a subtle bio-energy that flows through all organic life, sometimes referred to as chi or life force. 
This energy is expressed as an electromagnetic vibrational frequency and can be found in pure essential oils which have the highest frequencies of any measured natural substance. 
By utilising and incorporating high vibrational essential oils, herbs, flowers and crystal essences on the human body, the enhanced frequency will raise the vibration quality of that individual, capable of healing or rebalancing the body, mind and spirit. 


“Look deep into nature and you will understand everything better”

- Albert Einstein

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