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Rhythmical massage calms the nervous system and mind. Working together we find a place of peace and calm. 


This peacefulness, most commonly associated with a deep meditative state, is one of the most healing things we can do for the body. I work with clients to support the free flow of energy through the body. 


Careful listening with head, heart and hands is the essential guide to this work. 
The massage hand movements are rounded and rhythmical like living water, this suction quality enlivens the fluids and muscle tissue, which assists to release tension, stress, traumas held deep within the body.


This way your physical and subtle bodies, your entire system, down to the biochemical and cellular level, is being given an opportunity to be balanced and potentially cleared. 


Regular massage treatments can support the ability to better handle stress and we are able to breathe and master the demands of life. This is also a good example of true preventative medicine.

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